Recreational Gymnastics

Our Recreational classes run after school between 4.30-7.30pm on Tuesdays/Thursdays and Saturday mornings from 9-1pm. Classes follow a 10-week plan, ensuring gymnasts have the opportunity to facilitate all of the equipment. Please contact us directly for class dates and details. Classes are led by a qualified gymnastics and/or trampolining coach in a fun and engaging approach. Children are encouraged to be involved and active.

 Gymnasts work towards a progressive and recognised award scheme where they can achieve 6 certificates and medals over 4 levels. Bronze,Silver,Gold and Diamond. These awards are completed during
the 10-week terms. Each gymnast has a personal portfolio where progress is monitored and tracked. They will also take part in in-house competitions and annual displays for parents/carers to watch. Your child will have the chance to be ‘Star of the Week’ or receive one of our ‘effort’ bears as continuous rewards.


Kingswood Gymnastics and Trampoline Club

The Wesley Studios

Britannia Road, Kingswood

Bristol BS15 8DB

Phone : 0117 9476449

Email :

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